Become innovators and change-makers in your community.
Leadership is not qualified by age, but by those who are willing to rise up and lead. You're never too young to lead change! All too often you may be set aside or looked at as too young to make a difference. There's no better way to devop and sharpen your emotional intelligence and become the innovators and change-makers in your community.
Rise Up & Lead is an online youth development and leadership fellowship program, designed to strengthen your social (S+E) emotional intelligence through civic engagement and advocacy.
What can I expect in the modules?
The modules integrate social emotional mentoring and youth-oriented activities to address issues and challenges in your community. Each module supports you in finding and building your voice, while also providing a series of activities and resources to build and lead initiatives.
The four constructs of civic engagement are infused throughout the modules, with empowering examples and videos to encourage you throughout the journey.
Based on your interests, this course empowers you to pursue actions in a wide range of ways. Whether it's voting, activism, social justice, environmental advocay... - limitless possibilities are explored with resources to RISE UP & LEAD!
Civic engagement or participation in activities such as volunteering or service-learning to help better the community (Bobek, Zaff, Li, & Learner, 2009).
Civic Comitment or Duty, or the willingness to make positive contributions to society.
Civic Skills, or the ability to be involved in civil society, politics, and democracy.
Social Cohesion, or a sense of reciprocity, trust, and bonding to others.